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可說是當時的Timbaland, T-Pain.


我想他的風格有聽過他暢銷單曲的人都知道,就是Pop, 超級Pop, Pop到天荒地老。 XD
bouncing, synth-heavy pop.


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'N Sync
Released: March, 1998
US: 10x Platinum
Billboard peak: # 2

                                                                                    Billboard Hot 100

God Must Have Spent a Little More Time on You                     #8
I Want You Back                                                                  #13
Tearrin' Up My Heart                                                             #59
I Drive Myself Crazy                                                              #67

Music Of My Heart" (with Gloria Estefan)                                 #2
收入於Gloria Estefan的專輯裡。

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She has good beat! Seriously as crazy as she is now, you have to admit she has done some really good music!

Add Britney Spears to your page

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上Oprah表演What Goes Around



Justin is the BEST !

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Huh? What was that? Was she even trying?

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瘋婆最新單曲下週發表,歌名叫"Gimme More"
是由Timberland的夥伴''Danjahandz'' 製作,他做過什麼歌呢?
"Promiscuous"、"Say It Right"
Justin的 "SexyBack"、"What Goes Around...Comes Around"、 "My Love"←強到不行,夠期待吧 XD


''People are going to love [the new single],'' raved the source. ''It's like when Justin came back [with FutureSex/LoveSounds] — she's got a whole new sound. She's funky.''

Another insider who's heard ''Gimme More'' is similarly enthusiastic:
''It's a smash! She's going to come out strong. The only question is, with all the drama, are people going to want something fun or something more serious? This is a dance single.''


1. Umbrella本來是要給瘋婆唱的,製作人Tricky Stewart 都特別留下來了結果瘋婆的唱片公司不回應,最終給了Rihanna.

2. Ne-Yo為了瘋婆的新專輯寫了6-8首新歌,沒多久瘋婆就剃頭,進勒戒所。
Ne-Yo也聯絡不到唱片公司,不知道該怎麼辦的時候遇到了單飛死野貓Nicole Scherzinger, 死野貓很喜歡這些歌,就拿去唱了。後來瘋婆唱片公司還有臉打回來罵Ne-Yo, 但Ne-Yo還是留了兩首給瘋婆。

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The Click Five最近的新聞真是不少。

首先是在約兩個月前主唱Eric Dill無預警的宣布離開樂團,留下樂迷一片譁然。

Hey Everyone! We hope you are all doing great! We are excited to announce that we have brought on a new singer. After several years of playing together we have decided to part ways with Eric. We know he will be missed by many and we wish him the best success in his other endeavors. All that said, things
are getting very exciting for The Click Five! Get ready because the first single off our sophomore record will be hitting the airwaves within the next month, and we’ll be revealing the new singer as soon as we get some hot topless shots of him for you!
Changes come with the seasons and we are excited that this Spring is going to be the rebirth of everything we love about music. We’ll see you in your city soon!
Lets do it,
Ethan, Joe, Joey and Ben


Eric Dill



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‧打破花瓶肌肉傳說:週五收到一個來自Adam Rickitt的官網寄來的email,還以為是發生什麼事情,原來這小子(*已經28歲) 現在早已活躍於政治活動(目前是英國第二大政黨--保守黨),在官網上還特別劃分一塊他的政治生涯網站,詳細紀錄從政背景與親自發表過的專文等事蹟,實在讓人難以想像他就是當年在〈I Breathe Again〉MV 賣弄性感的男孩。而說到Adam,儘管不能歸入實力派歌手,但是唱片之外,Adam竟有許多超水準演出。2001年他在倫敦演出《吉屋出租"Rent"》的Mark Cohen一角,一演就是12月;他主演了在2002年坎城影展播送過的短篇電影《Emergency Exit 》,此外後來也重回演出一炮而紅的電視影集《Coronation Street》,以及舞台劇《Office Games》、《Final Judgement》、《Telstar》。今年他已經參加英國Channel 4的實境節目《The Games》並且Channel 5的紀錄片《Alive:Back to the Andes》演出。Adam在自己的官網上還會固定寫信問候粉絲,算是非常用心經營網站的藝人。(附上 年輕時候的照片一組 )
I Breathe Again MV 
Everything My Heart Desires MV

more after the jump

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