男孩們又來倒數了,過了一個禮拜,又繼續來釋放新歌。新歌名字叫 "What a Catch, Donnie", 是男孩們過去從沒唱過的簡單抒情歌,而且超級老派嚇死人,最後na na na還那邊唱進過去的暢銷曲,也是新的嘗試。

New New News.

Folie a Deux will be released on December 16. While that late in the year may be a suprise to some, we felt that it was important to get our record out this year for our fans. Though this is not the date we had originally planned nor the optimal date according some demographic marketing analysis, we put our eight feet down told our label it must come out this year. We're already bummed enough that Chinese Democracy is gonna beat us to release. Thank you for your all your comments today, they mean alot to us.

從 11/4大延到 12/16, 說是有市場考量,但為了不要讓歌迷久等所以還是在今年推出。


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