
Julianne Moore飾演的Barbara Daly Baekeland,在1972年的11月17日被自己的親生兒子殺害。


Stephen Dillane演Julianne Moore的老公,本來是Clive Owen要演的。
Eddie Redmayne飾演謀殺母親的慘綠少年,最近的作品是在The Good Shepherd裡面演Matt Damon的兒子。Hugh Dancy也有參與演出。

Julianne Moore扮演的角色名叫Barbara Daly Baekeland,年輕是位好萊塢紅星,後因嫁入豪門而淡出影壇。她的丈夫是大發明家的獨子。擁有億萬家財,然而,芭芭拉女士的婚後生活並不幸福,她在為兒子過完二十一歲生日之後,便同丈夫分居,帶著獨生子出走。


芭芭拉想方設法規勸安東尼不要繼續胡鬧,但卻無濟於事。在1972年11月17日,被寵壞了的Anthony 拔出尖刀,將親生母親芭芭拉刺死。案子很快告破,Anthony 被捕,讓員警吃驚的是,還不慌不忙地打電話訂餐。

芭芭拉之死驚動了英國的豪門望族,Anthony也成了新聞人物。Anthony被抓後不久,突然有位證人出來作證,說芭芭拉女士曾用自己的身體去"治癒"安東尼的斷袖之癖。這位證人的證詞最終使法庭沒能以故意殺人罪將Anthony 打入死牢,而是將他送進精神病院接受治療……

from wiki

For a long time, Barbara even tried to "cure" her son by hiring willing girls to take him to bed. When these hoped-for seductions failed, she sometimes talked of suicide... in 1968, Barbara finally decided to seduce the boy herself. In a grotesque attempt to cure Tony of his homosexuality, Barbara coerced him into having sex with her when they were staying alone together in a house on Majorca.

Predictably, the incestuous episode did nothing to alter Tony's sexuality, but it added a new twist to an already volatile relationship, and the fury of emotion between mother and son became explosive. Finally, on November 11, 1972, as the two of them argued in the kitchen of Barbara's posh London apartment, Tony angrily grabbed a kitchen knife and plunged it directly into her heart. She died almost instantly... he later confessed and was charged with murder.

He was found by the police ordering a Chinese meal.

Savage Grace in imdb


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