目前分類:sight (122)

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A smart, engrossing thriller in which you care as much about the characters as the crime.

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Bruce Willis is John McClane, what more can you ask for?

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Has some awkward stretches and comedy asides that don't always work, but the core story is somewhat touching.

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Sarah Polley's sad, wise and simply dazzling directorial effort beams with warmth.

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Fracture breaks no new ground, but with Gosling and Hopkins around, you'll never be bored.

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Not sure if entertained, a feeling good time though.

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  • May 18 Fri 2007 03:19
  • Zodiac

By showing us the details in carefully-wrought, exacting fashion, Fincher and screenwriter James Vanderbilt turn the hunt for the Zodiac killer into thrilling, exciting cinema.

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Little Children是我去年最喜歡的一部片,直到現在還是不敢寫這部片,深怕不小心就毀了我對他的美妙感覺。

這部電影/原著有太多絕妙的地方,其中最有意思的一點,就是對"小孩 children"這個字的重新定義。

Who's the Little Child here?

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In this Nolan's debut, he made sure that everything works.

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Has its moments, but the light is just not consistant and bright enough.

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Pretty much a mess with not enough fun, wit and action.

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So here's the top 10!

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Watchable enough as a grisly revenge thriller but it would have worked better without the Lecter connection.

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