目前分類:sight (122)

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Taut, smart and brutal, without a single extraneous moment, this is a breathtakingly powerful meditation on good, evil, and the complexity of modern societies.

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A good crime melodrama.

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Taymor's flower-powery phantasmagoria is ambitious but ultimately tiresome. 

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Hit and miss, but its tone of lyric melancholy is remarkably sustained.

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1972年1月30日星期天,愛爾蘭的德里籠罩著一股緊張的空氣。伊方‧庫普為抗議英政府在北愛爾蘭實行不經審判便可居留「罪犯」的政策,發起一大規模的遊行示威。英國陸軍出面平息,卻因一群年輕人和士兵爆發衝突,導致軍隊向手無寸鐵的民眾開槍。血腥的屠殺過後,公佈的死亡人數從十四人被刪減為三人,所有士兵都聲稱民眾全副武裝,攻擊乃出於自衛。往後的卅年,縱使爭議不斷,卻再也沒有人能找出事件的真相。U2寫下一曲《Sunday,Bloody Sunday》,悼念所有為此留下鮮血的無辜犧牲者。

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Has solid production value, but Elah is one of those crap which every part of it screams out loud "ANTI-WARRRR!".

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Nothing is particularly standout except the two leads' splendid performances.

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Deliberate, demanding and character-driven, Michael Clayton flies in the face of what sells at the multiplex.

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Mockumentary may not be such a good idea for animation and penguin, but Surf's Up deserves some fine praises and credits.

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Things are happening too fast to be convincing, and the romance  between Ann and Harris hardly seems worth a lifetime of regret, or two hours of your time.

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Jodie Forster completely inhabits her role in this heavy-handed revenge flick which has a questionable moral.

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1. 翻拍原版實在是太棒了,難以超越的經典。
2. 大家對於這種類疆屍片,一個傳染一個的劇情已經膩了。特別是今年有精采的28 Weeks Later.
3. 女主角最後千萬不能睡著這實在是太半夜鬼上床的梗了。

除此之外,why why why?

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Michael Haneke真的心理變態,至少精神有問題這是可以肯定的。

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The best movie of the summer and probably the best action movie of the year.

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  • Aug 04 Sat 2007 23:11
  • 1408

"A psychologically thrilling movie that leaves you gasping in the end."

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